fbpxUnder the Auspices of His Excellency the Minister of State for Legal Affairs, a Symposium at "Amman Arab University" on the Empowerment of Women | Amman Arab University

Under the Auspices of His Excellency the Minister of State for Legal Affairs, a Symposium at "Amman Arab University" on the Empowerment of Women

برعاية معالي وزيرة الدولة للشؤون القانونية ندوة في "عمّان العربية" حول تمكين المرأة


Under the Auspices of His Excellency the Minister of State for Legal Affairs, a Symposium at "Amman Arab University" on the Empowerment of Women

Amman - Her Excellency Dr. Nancy Namrouqa, Minister of State for Legal Affairs, affirmed that the vision of comprehensive modernization led by His Majesty King Abdullah II - may God protect him, set among its most important goals the comprehensive empowerment of women in various political, economic and administrative fields, and that this deep vision expresses our great belief in the role of women. In society, as a partner of men, on the basis of equality, and in various aspects.

This came during a symposium on "The Political and Leadership Empowerment of Jordanian Women" sponsored by Prof. Dr. Muhammad Al-Widyan, President of Amman Arab University, and organized by the Deanship of Student Affairs, in the presence of Dr. Abeer Dababneh, Commissioner of the Independent Commission for Elections, Dr. Reem Abu Dalbouh, Facilitator of the National Center for Human Rights, members of the faculty and administrative staff, and students at the University, stressing that Jordanian women have demonstrated a distinguished presence in all locations; She is the mother, the educator, the teacher, the innovator, the worker, the administrator, the director, the minister, the ambassador, the deputy, the eye and the judge, and her giving is never less than the giving of a man in any of the positions.

Dr. Namrouqa expressed her happiness at her presence at her University,( Amman Arab University), where she spent beautiful years, where she gained knowledge. She showed that Jordan has witnessed, during the past years, many examples of Jordanian women leaders in various decision-making positions, who have achieved outstanding achievements at various levels. They have proven great abilities in assuming responsibility.

In his turn, Prof. Al-Widyan emphasized that holding such seminars at the University is an endeavor to achieve the University's vision and scientific mission first and to activate its societal role through events and hosting public figures related to various fields, as we are today in this symposium that deals with political and national affairs that pour into the endeavors Amman Arab University to contribute to the implementation of the outputs of the Royal Commission for the Modernization of the Political System, which was called for to be formed by His Majesty King Abdullah II Ibn Al-Hussein, and focuses on empowering the role of women and youth in political participation.

Dr. Reem Abu Dalbouh spoke, noting that this symposium comes to confirm the development that Jordanian women have achieved in their practice of political work thanks to the royal directives of His Majesty King Abdullah II, who worked to strengthen their role, as His Majesty directs governments to enact legislation to enhance the role of Jordanian women in all fields as well. In his speech from the throne, His Majesty always affirms the continuation of taking the necessary measures to achieve the full role of women and their national partnership in the development process. In her speech, she indicated the gains achieved for Jordanian women by approving the law on political parties and elections, along with the constitutional amendments related to parliamentary work.

For her part, Prof. Ikhlas Al-Tarawneh, Vice President of Amman Arab University, said during her moderation of the symposium that, based on the University's belief in its role and its keenness to empower women and increase women's awareness of the importance of their societal participation in public and political life, and that women's participation in political life is an indicator and indication of the growth and strengthening of women's participation.