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Memorandum of Understanding between Arab Arab University and Social Security

مذكرة تفاهم بين عمان العربية والضمان الاجتماعي


Memorandum of Understanding between Arab Arab University and Social Security

Amman Arab University and the General Organization for Social Security signed a memorandum of understanding that includes providing scholarships, discounts on university fees, and installments for the children of retired people, in addition to spreading awareness and knowledge of the provisions of the Security Law among students, by teaching social security as part of one of the teaching courses in the plans of academic programs at the university.

The memorandum of understanding was signed on behalf of the university by the Vice President for Academic Affairs, Acting President of the University, Prof. Ikhlas Al-Tarawneh, and on behalf of the Foundation by the Director of the Media Center, Yasser Akroush, in the Presidency of the University, in the presence of: Mrs. Nadia Al-Qadimat, the assistant president for financial and administrative affairs, and Dr. Hossam Al-Hamad, the assistant president for planning and quality assurance  Dr. Muhammad Nassar, Director of the Marketing Department, and Mr. Wadah Mismar, Director of the Media and Public Relations Department at the university, and each of: Mr. Hussam Al-Saadi, Director of the Insurance Awareness Directorate at the Media Center, Ms. Lina Qabartay, Director of Public Relations, Dr. Ali Al-Rahamna, Universities Liaison Officer at the institution, and Mr. Hamza  Al-Smadi, head of the public relations department in the institution.

For her part, Dr. Al-Tarawneh indicated that the signing of the memorandum of understanding provides a real opportunity for students to benefit from the educational experiences accumulated in the Social Security Corporation through the educational course that the university will provide within its teaching plan by naming a specialized lecturer who presents the content of the scientific material to the Security Law, which will be beneficial to a large segment of students in  their future working life.

The memorandum of understanding included the provision of (6) scholarships for retired children for the undergraduate stage at a discount rate of (50%) on the original hours fees approved by the University’s Board of Trustees and for one time only in the disciplines of finance and banking, human resources management, management information systems, law, computer information systems,  Architecture Engineering, Renewable Energy Engineering.

The university is also committed, under the memorandum of understanding, to provide free scholarships covering tuition fees at a rate of (100%) to the relatives of social security retirees for the undergraduate level for every (70) students who are registered as new students through the institution, and this does not include registration fees.

The memorandum of understanding also included the cooperation of the two sides in the fields of scientific research and joint research projects between faculty members at the university and the cadres of the Guarantee Corporation, and work to expand the areas of cooperation between them in this field, according to written understandings to be agreed upon at the time.