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News & Events

"عمان العربية" تشارك في المؤتمر المهني التغذوي الأول
  "Amman Arab University" Participates in the First Professional Nutritional Conference Amman - Amman Arab University…
صيدلة "عمان العربية " تطلق شعار "دواء دون أضرار"
  College of Pharmacy at Amman Arab University Launches the Slogan "Medication Without Harm" Amman - Students of the College…
افتتاح برنامج دبلوم مهني تشرف عليه جامعة عمان العربية بدعم من الاتحاد الاوروبي
  The Opening of a Professional Diploma Program Supervised by Amman Arab University with the Support of the European Union  …
"عمان العربية" تشارك بمؤتمر دولي في إيطاليا
  Amman Arab University Participates in an International Conference in Italy Amman - Amman Arab University participated in the…