Amman Arab University Holds Istisqa Prayer
Amman Arab University, under the guidance of Dr. Muhammad Al-Wedyian, has held an istisqa prayer for rain at the University Mosque. The prayer aims to revive the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), which encourages seeking God's mercy when rainfall is delayed or withheld. The event was attended by Professor Dr. Ismail Yamain, Vice President for Academic Affairs, deans of faculties, teaching and administrative staff, and students.
Dr. Bilal Abu Qudoum, Dean of the Faculty of Sharia, led the prayer, discussing the people's and the country's need for rain and the reasons behind delayed rainfall.
He also outlined ways to overcome hardship, emphasizing sincere repentance to God, abandoning sins, restoring rights to their rightful owners, and removing injustice and burdens of wrongdoing.