fbpxThe Industrial School in Mafraq hosts a workshop on "Phobic Disorders" hosted by the College of Educational Sciences at Amman Arab University | Amman Arab University

The Industrial School in Mafraq hosts a workshop on "Phobic Disorders" hosted by the College of Educational Sciences at Amman Arab University

تربوية "عمان العربية" تنفذ ورشة بعنوان "الخوف المرضي" في المدرسة الصناعية في المفرق


The Industrial School in Mafraq hosts a workshop on "Phobic Disorders" hosted by the College of Educational Sciences at Amman Arab University

College of Educational and Psychological Sciences at Amman Arab University held a workshop at the Industrial School in the Mafraq Governorate called "Phobic Disorders. Dr. Ahmad Harahsheh, a professor at Amman Arab led the workshop.

Dr. Harahsheh went over the classification of phobic disorders, their varied forms, and their causes—which might be environmental or psychological—during the session. He also talked about the physical and psychological symptoms that people with phobias face, as well as the many therapeutic approaches that are employed, such as relaxation techniques and cognitive-behavioral therapy. In order to improve the patient's psychological state, he underlined the significance of early intervention by mental health specialists. The importance of assisting parents in managing their children's emotional reactions to fear was agreed upon at the conclusion of the workshop. It was advised that parents provide their young children separate sleeping quarters and refrain from disciplining them with threats based on fear. Dr. Harahsheh also recommended schools to refrain from punishing kids with physical force. He also emphasized the value of school counselors providing mental health care in both elementary and secondary schools. He also emphasized how important it is to follow Islamic teachings in order to achieve inner peace and lessen fear.