The Advisory Council of the College of Engineering at Amman Arab University Discusses the Executive and Strategic Plans, Academic development and Qualifying Alumni to Cope with the Labor Market
Dr. Anwar Al-Assaf, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering at Amman Arab University of, stressed during the meeting of the Advisory Council of the Faculty of Engineering, the importance of achieving the objectives of the executive plan of the college, which revolves on the development of academic programs to meet the increasing requirements of the labor market. The meeting is chaired by Dr. Al-Assaf, in the presence of the heads of the three departments in the college (civil engineering, architecture, renewable energy engineering), and by hosting many prominent members in the field of engineering from the professional labor market. The Council was represented in the presence of: Engineer Samar Al-Kilani, Director of the Engineers Training Center and the Academy of Engineers for Training and Development at the Engineers Union, Engineer Mohammed Al-Rifai, President of the Awareness Society for the Protection of Information, and Engineer Raed Al-Sharbaji ,head of the Arab Authority for the Rehabilitation and Accreditation of Arab Engineers, Engineer Wajdi Sahawneh, General Manager of Kolabury Company, and Engineer Ayman Zuaiter, Director of Tayba Engineering Consultants Company.
The Council discussed the discussion of the executive plan of the Faculty of Engineering and its main themes, where the Dean of the College reviewed the most important initiatives in the college, which stemmed from the objectives of the college's plan and were represented in participating in international conferences from all departments of the Faculty of Engineering in the preparatory committees and participating as attendees and speakers, in addition to seeking to develop the student's skills portfolio and enriching them through the holding of the Faculty of Engineering a wide range of important training courses to qualify the student for the labor market, resulting in the preparation of plans to qualify students for working life through the implementation of educational lectures and applied workshops. Dr. Al-Assaf also discussed the subject of scholarship as a basic item of the plan, where the Faculty of Engineering was sent Four engineers to complete the requirements of a doctoral degree in different disciplines enriching the cognitive fields of the college.
In turn, Engineer Wajdi Sahawneh pointed out that the standards required for engineers in the labor market have become different and the engineer must join modern and advanced courses and software suitable to meet the requirements of the labor market.
Engineer Raed Al-Sharbaji also praised Amman Arab University and the Faculty of Engineering at the University for obtaining membership of the Union of Arab Engineers, and the housing of the programs of the three departments. He also praised the efforts of the college in its continuous and tireless quest to obtain Jordanian and international accreditation for the three majors (civil, architecture, and renewable energy engineering) and called for the importance of developing study plans in accordance with local and international accreditation standards.
In turn, Engineer Ayman Zuaiter called for the need to focus heavily on training students in engineering offices and prominent companies, supporting student graduation projects and choosing pioneering projects that serve the labor market and their participation in local and international competitions.
Engineer Mohammed Al-Rifai also stressed the importance of the participation of academics and professionals with experience in enriching the student's knowledge by participating in the official lectures, in addition to providing the college with a range of training courses that contribute to the upbringing of competent engineers.
During the meeting, Engineer Samar Al-Kilani spoke about the training programs and courses offered by the Union, in addition to the implementation of new training programs that are mandatory for the graduate engineer, which is concerned with developing the engineer in various engineering fields.
It was also stressed through the members of the Council the need to continue updating academic programs regularly and providing training opportunities in leading companies in the engineering sector, with the aim of qualifying students to meet the ever-changing needs of the labor market, in addition to the Council's vision that the development of academic programs and training that emerge from the study plan contributes to improving the quality of the education it provides. In light of this, the improvement proposals submitted by the members of the Council, which are include in the executive plan of the Faculty of Engineering at Amman Arab University, will be implemented.