An Episode of the Program “Youth and Parties” from Amman Arab University and on Jordanian TV
Amman Arab University / Deanship of Student Affairs, in cooperation with Jordanian Television, hosted the program (Youth and Parties), which was filmed and broadcast from within the University with the participation of: Professor. Khaled Bani Hamdan, Dean of Student Affairs, and Professor. Noman Al-Khatib, Professor of Constitutional Law at Amman Arab University and member of the court. Former Constitutional Council, and student Muhammad Al-Azzam from the Faculty of Law - as a youth partisan experiment, as the episode was broadcast on Jordanian TV on Friday, 12/29/2023 at (10:00) pm.
At the beginning of the episode, prof. Bani Hamdan welcomed the Jordanian Television staff on behalf of the President of Amman Arab University, Professor. Mohamad Al-Widyan. He explained through his speech that the university’s governance councils, upon the recommendation of the Deanship of Student Affairs, had amended all regulations and instructions in favor of student partisan activities in line with the directions of the Jordanian state under the leadership of His Majesty King Abdullah II bin Al Hussein, his Crown Prince Hussein bin Abdullah, the prince and patron of youth, and the Jordanian government, the Deanship of Student Affairs prepared the university environment in terms of regulations and instructions that facilitate partisan students’ partisan student activities at the university, and even went beyond that to hold a contract.
Prof. Bani Hamdan stated that students are supposed to take advantage of their presence at the university to acquire, in addition to the science and knowledge that they obtain through their academic studies, each in their specialization, multiple skills in developing their personal abilities and building themselves through the extracurricular activities that the university provides for them in various fields that are necessary. It helps them in the future of their lives in enhancing their positive role on the personal level and taking an active role in building their country.
In turn, Dr. Noman Al-Khatib explained the legal framework for party work that is constitutionally and legally protected in the parties and elections laws, which constitutes a clear guarantee from the state for everyone to carry out their role aimed at developing party life, which will contribute in the future to the existence of parliamentary governments that serve the nation and preserve its capabilities efficiently, and this is clear through the integration between the constitution, the political parties law, and the electoral law.
The student, Muhammad Al-Azzam, spoke about his partisan experience, and how he chose the party that was appropriate for him intellectually and in a way that would contribute in the future by taking his role in building his country. He encouraged his fellow students to go towards partisan work to be able to contribute to building their future and the future of the nation effectively, pointing out that the Parties Law and the Parliamentary Elections Law It is a victory for the youth, and gives them great opportunities and hope for a better future.
It is noteworthy that the seminar witnessed the interaction of many of the attending students through many informed interventions and many purposeful questions that reflect clear intellectual awareness and their true desire to take their role in building the future of their country. To watch the full episode, follow the following link: Click here