An Introductory Workshop for the German DAAD at Amman Arab University
Under the directives of the President of Amman Arab University, Professor. Mohamad Al-Widyan, the International Office and Foreign Relations in cooperation with the Deanship of Scientific Research and Graduate Studies and the Academic Development Department at the University organized an introductory meeting about the grants and research opportunities provided by the German Academic Exchange Service in Jordan (DAAD), especially the grants offered to Postgraduate students and research opportunities for faculty members were presented by Mr. Benjamin Schimling, and attended by faculty members from various colleges at Amman Arab University.
The Assistant President of Amman Arab University for Academic Affairs, Professor. Ismail Yamin, and the Director of the German Academic Exchange Service in Jordan (DAAD), Benjamin Schimling, discussed ways to enhance cooperation relations between the two sides in various academic and scientific fields, in the presence of the Director of the International Office and External Relations at the University, Dr. Muhammad Sahwil.
Mr. Schimling reviewed the steps necessary to support and encourage students to enroll in graduate programs, especially applied ones, in German universities at the expense of the DAAD, increase opportunities for developing joint programs with German universities, support a larger number of applied projects by the Foundation, and encourage the exchange of scientific expertise through scientific and research visits.