"With Tolerance We Promote," a Lecture at "Amman Arab University"
The Deanship of Student Affairs at Amman Arab University organized a lecture entitled "With Tolerance We Promote," which was presented His Eminence Dr. Ahmed Abdel Hafeez Al-Khalayla, in cooperation with the College of Sharia and under the patronage of the University President, Professor. Mohamad Al-Widyan, and in the presence of a number of members of academic and administrative staff and a group of students.
At the beginning of the meeting, Professor. Khalid Bani Hamdan, Dean of Student Affairs, welcomed His Eminence Dr. Al-Khalayleh and the attendees. Al-Khalayleh spoke that God Almighty created Man to worship God on earth and enabled Man to lead everything below God, and that the basic principle in dealing is to be within the foundations of common sense that God has endowed humanity with, such as goodness and friendliness among people. He said, “We are in a time when there is a lot of difference in viewpoints and opinions, and we must be able to accept each other, and that the time and effort spent on disagreements is a huge waste.” His Eminence directed the students to deal with tolerance and positivity with all the issues they encounter in their University lives.
At the conclusion of the symposium, Al-Khalayleh called on the Arab and Islamic nation in general and the people of Gaza in particular to strengthen them and support them against our enemy and their enemy, to accept their martyrs, and for God to keep Jordan safe and stable under the leadership of His Majesty the Hashemite King Abdullah II bin Al-Hussein and his faithful Crown Prince.
Dr. Bilal Abu Qaddoum, Dean of the College of Sharia, who moderated the lectures, confirmed that tolerance is a great value, and one of the human principles, which Islam has transformed into a reality that Muslims deal with in their daily practical lives. During the lecture, an extensive discussion took place, and His Eminence Dr. Al-Khalayleh answered the audience’s questions.
At the conclusion of the lecture, the Dean of Student Affairs, Professor. Khaled Bani Hamdan, pointed out that the Jordanians live under the tolerance of the Hashemite family, which follows the example of its great grandfather, our noble Messenger, and this tolerance has established love between them and the Jordanians throughout history.
The University President, Professor. Mohamad Al-Widyan, presented the University’s shield to His Eminence Dr. Ahmed Abdel Hafeez Al-Khalayleh in appreciation and gratitude to him.