Hult Prize Team at Amman Arab University Organizes the “Global Minds, Local Roots: An Entrepreneurial Talk” Event
Under the patronage of the President of Amman Arab University, Professor. Mohammad Al-Widyan, and with the coordination of the Center for Creativity, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship at the University, the Hult Prize/Amman Arab University team, led by Campus Director Rosa Sacco, organized the second event, “Global Minds, Local Roots: An Entrepreneurial Talk,” with a collaboration of Jordanian heritage and culture, and in the presence of the University president’s assistants, where the following were hosted:
His Excellency Dr. Maen Al-Qatameen, CEO of the Digital Platform for Entrepreneurship Development, Mr. Omar Hijazi, Director of the Office of the Minister of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship, Dr. Fahmi Al-Balawneh, Executive Director of United Educational Production Company, and the Jordanian entrepreneur Mr. Helmi Assaf, in addition to members of the National Halt Prize team represented by Mr. Muhammad. Zakaria and Mr. Ubadah Al-Abdalat, and a group of University students and members of academic and administrative staff.
The guests were welcomed by the students, members of the Hult Prize team at the University, which managed this event. They expressed their thanks to the University, which always supports the students and their participation and pioneering and creative ideas in various fields. They pointed out that these events are implemented as a dedication to the concept of “leadership and excellence,” which the University has taken as its slogan. Through a valuable dialogue session, Dr. Katameen and Dr. Al-Balawneh presented their personal experience in the world of entrepreneurship. They also provided the students with many tips and inspirational motivational phrases to become inspiring entrepreneurial models for future generations.
It is noteworthy that this day also came to introduce the students of Amman Arab University to the international Hult Prize, where the team gave a detailed presentation about the award and the method of registration and participation. It is known that the Hult Prize organizes a competition for university students in various parts of the world, where the participating teams compete to create innovative, pioneering projects and ideas. It aims to solve chronic social problems and accordingly the winning team receives a prize of US$1 million as seed capital for their company and scaling up the project.