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Instructor Namespecific MajorSuggested Consultation
Dr. Hayfa Abo AddousSoftware EngineeringUser experience design User experience research
Dr. Manar MizherVisual information and securityVisual information security and encryption- Machine Learning Image and video, and 3D models processing- Mobile programming and games
Dr. Mohammad NassarInformation RetrievalE-learning management system and infrastructure AR/VR
Dr. Sharaf AlzoubiMobile ComputingMobile Application Programming Mobile Computing
Dr. Rami SehwilCybersecurityComputer Viruses Cybersecurity Information security
Dr. Ahmad Mohammed KhasawnehComputer Network and SecurityWireless sensor network Mobile Application Programming using Android
Prof. Mohammed OtairComputer information systems/ Artificial IntelligenceVirtual Reality and Augmented Reality - Artificial intelligence - Data analysis - Machine algorithms applications
Dr. Mahmoud OmariComputer Science/Parallel and Distributed ComputingDesign of Computer Networks Design of IoT networks
Dr. Hossam Mohammad MustafaComputer Science/ Artificial IntelligenceArtificial Intelligence Data Science
Dr Hisham A. ShehadehCS, CIS/AILogistics consultancy in the field of artificial intelligence