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Educational and Psychological Research

Amman Arab University Research Journal - Educational and Psychological Research


Current Issues


VolumeResearch SeriesResearch
Volume (9) - Issue (2) - 2024Amman Arab University Research Journal "Educational and Psychological Research Series" - 2024Download
Volume (9) - Issue (1) - 2024Amman Arab University Research Journal "Educational and Psychological Research Series" Part (1) - 2024Download
Volume (9) - Issue (1) - 2024Amman Arab University Research Journal "Educational and Psychological Research Series" Part (2) - 2024Download
Volume (9) - Issue (1) - 2024Amman Arab University Research Journal "Educational and Psychological Research Series" Part (3) - 2024Download
Volume (8) - Issue (3) - 2023Amman Arab University Research Journal "Educational and Psychological Research Series" Part (1) - 2023Download
Volume (8) - Issue (3) - 2023Amman Arab University Research Journal "Educational and Psychological Research Series" Part (2) - 2023Download
Volume (8) - Issue (1) - 2023Amman Arab University Research Journal "Educational and Psychological Research Series" Part (1) - 2023Download
Volume (8) - Issue (1) - 2023Amman Arab University Research Journal "Educational and Psychological Research Series" Part (2) - 2023Download
Volume (8) - Issue (2) - 2023Amman Arab University Research Journal "Educational and Psychological Research Series" Part (1) - 2023Download
Volume (8) - Issue (2) - 2023Amman Arab University Research Journal "Educational and Psychological Research Series" - Part (2) - 2023Download


Previous Issues


VolumeResearch SeriesResearch
Volume (7) - Issue (3) - 2022Amman Arab University Research Journal "Educational and Psychological Research Series" Part (1) - 2022Download
Volume (7) - Issue (3) - 2022Amman Arab University Research Journal "Educational and Psychological Research Series" Part (2) - 2022Download
Volume (7) - Issue (3) - 2022Amman Arab University Research Journal "Educational and Psychological Research Series" Part (3) - 2022Download
Volume (7) - Issue (3) - 2022Amman Arab University Research Journal "Educational and Psychological Research Series" - Part (4) - 2022Download
Volume (7) - Issue (2) - 2022Amman Arab University Research Journal "Educational and Psychological Research Series" Part (1) - 2022Download
Volume (7) - Issue (2) - 2022Amman Arab University Research Journal "Educational and Psychological Research Series" Part (2) - 2022Download
Volume (7) - Issue (1) - 2022Amman Arab University Research Journal "Educational and Psychological Research Series" Part (1) - 2022Download
Volume (7) - Issue (1) - 2022Amman Arab University Research Journal "Educational and Psychological Research Series" Part (2) - 2022Download
Volume (6) - Issue (1) - 2021Amman Arab University Research Journal "Educational and Psychological Research Series" Part (1) - 2021Download
Volume (6) - Issue (1) - 2021Amman Arab University Research Journal "Educational and Psychological Research Series" - Part (2) - 2021Download
Volume (5) - Issue (1) - 2021Amman Arab University Research Journal "Educational and Psychological Research Series" - 2021Download
Volume (4) - Issue (1) - 2020Amman Arab University Research Journal "Educational and Psychological Research Series" - 2020Download
Volume (3) - Issue (1) Amman Arab University Research Journal "Educational and Psychological Research Series"Download
Volume (2) - Issue (1) - 2018Amman Arab University Research Journal "Educational and Psychological Research Series" - 2018Download
Volume (1) - Issue (1) - 2017Amman Arab University Research Journal "Educational and Psychological Research Series" - 2017Download


Editor Board

Editor Board at Amman Arab University

Prof. Ikhlas TarawnehEditor-in-chief
Dr. Mueen Al-NsraweenAssistant Editor-in-Chief
Prof. Ismail YaminAssociate Editor
Dr. Monther AlKodahAssociate Editor
Dr. Bassam.O. GhanemAssociate Editor
Dr.Laith Abualigah Associate Editor
Doaa AlzoubiSecretary of the Editorial Board


Consultant Board

Consultant Board at Amman Arab University

Prof. Hani H. Al-DmourAl Albayt University
Prof. Dr. Ratib Al-SaudThe University of Jordan
Prof. Dr. Talal Al-ZoubiZarqa National University
Prof. Muwaffaq Irsheid AlomoushYarmouk University
Pro. Dr. Zaid Al-BashairaHigher Education Accreditation Commission
Prof. Dr. Nael Al-SharaaUniversity of Jordan 
Dr. Mohammed Ahmed Al-GhazoThe Constitutional Court
Professor Dr. Tariq Al-HajjAn-Najah National University
Prof. Dr. Abdel Aziz Al-SartawiEmirates University
Prof. Dr. Amin MustafaAlexandria University
Professor Dr. Anmar Al-KilaniThe University of Jordan
Prof. Dr. Issa HerchKing Faisal University
Prof. Dr. Samir Abul-FotouhMansoura University
Professor Dr. Tony GeorgeLebanese University



Instructions for issuing Amman Arab University Journal for Research

Issued by the Council of Deans pursuant to Article (5) of the scientific research system No. (8) of 2014 
Article (1): these instructions are called (instructions for the publication of the Journal of the Arab Amman University for research), and are effective from the date of its approval by the Council of Deans.
Article (2): the following words and phrases where contained in these instructions shall have the meanings assigned to them below unless the context indicates otherwise:-
University: Amman Arab University
President: President of the University
Journal: Amman Arab University Research Journal
Editorial: Chief editor
The Board: The Editorial Board of the Journal
Dean: The Dean of Scientific Research and Postgraduate Studies at the University

Article (3): the University publishes a semi-annual journal, The Journal of the Amman Arab University for research, in three series as follows:
A. Amman Arab University research journal / Educational and Psychological Research Series
B. Amman Arab university research journal / Management Research Series
C. Amman Arab university research journal / Legal Research Series

Article (4): 
A. The University opens a special account for the journal to finance its publication.
B. The journal's financial resources consist of:
- University contribution.
-The proceeds of subscriptions and selling issues.
- Grants and donations received for the journal.
C. The journal's budget is spent on its specific purposes as follows:
- Preparation, printing, and distribution expenses.
- Arbitrators bonuses/ payment.
-Any other expenses related to the journal.
D. The expenditure is made from the journal budget at the recommendation of the chief editor and the approval of the president, and the payment is subject to the financial and administrative regulations, instructions, and decisions applicable at the university.
Article (5): The Journal receives research for publication from inside and outside the university written in Arabic or in a foreign language accepted by the commission. In all cases, the research must be accompanied by an abstract in the Arabic language in addition to the language of the research if it is written in another language.
Article (6): The research stipulates that it has not been published or submitted for publication anywhere else, and the researcher must undertake to do so in writing when submitting the research for publication.
Article (7): Each issue of the journal bears on its outer or inner cover, or both, the phrase of an indexed and refereed scientific journal issued by the Deanship of Scientific Research and Graduate Studies, and a volume number, the issue, the year of publication, and the national or international filing number.
Article (8): The journal is edited by an editorial board that is concerned with both scientific and humanitarian research, and it is formed as follows:
a. Prof. Dr. Dean of Scientific Research and Graduate Studies / Chairman.
B. A representative of each of the related faculties, provided that he is a professor, and the faculty that does not have this rank is excluded, so it is temporarily represented by at least an associate professor, and the term of membership in the body is renewable for one year.
C. Secretary.

Article (9): The authority shall undertake the following responsibilities: -
a. Setting the journal's plan, classification method, and specifications that take into account the publication of research.
B. Accepting or rejecting initially the research submitted for publication.
C. Referring the research submitted to the journal to arbitrators who are local and abroad to evaluate it in terms of the availability of research elements and conditions within, and the authority can assign its president to do so.
D. Recommending to the Council of Deans everything that could promote the journal and facilitate its work.
E. Recommending to the president to amend the instructions of the journal.
Article (10): A- Each journal shall have a local and international advisory body of prominent specialists in their fields of specialization from inside and outside Jordan, and the committee selects them upon the recommendation of the chief editor, and the decision to appoint them is issued by the president.
B - The duties of the advisory body for the journal are the following:
            1 - Periodically assess the level of the journal and its sections.
            2 - Providing advice to the authority in everything related to the journal, its policy, chapters, and output.
            3- Assisting the Commission in obtaining distinguished reviews or research for publication in the journal after its arbitration.
Article (11): Each issue of the journal bears the following phrase: “What was mentioned in this issue expresses the opinions of its writers and does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editorial board or the policy of Amman Arab University.”
Article (12): A. The president assigns an editorial secretary to follow up on the journal’s affairs and implement its printing and production in accordance with the specifications and general conditions of publication, upon the recommendation of the Commission, and he performs the duties of the editorial director.
B. The president assigns language auditors and administrative staff to implement the journal's policy and follow up on its work, upon the recommendation of the authority.
C. The editorial secretary and proofreader are associated with the chief editor.
D. The concerned administrative personnel to carry out the work of the journal for administrative issuance are associated with the Dean.
Article (13): The Deanship of Scientific Research and Postgraduate Studies undertakes the tasks of editing, printing and publishing, and it may seek the assistance of specialists from inside or outside the university in return for a financial reward assigned by the president based on a placement from the commission.
Article (14): A- Financial rewards are given to the arbitrators assigned by the president based on the commission recommendation according to the provided system.
B- The researcher shall not be paid a reward for publishing a paper in the journal.
C - No financial rewards are paid to the chief editor, members of the board, and the advisory board for their work in the journal.

Article (15): The university may issue special issues of the journal that cover the proceedings of seminars or conferences that are held in the university or participate in them after undergoing the arbitration procedures followed in the journal.

Article (16): The university may issue special journal issues that cover research for which it did not have the capacity, and that is in the form of independent publications, as appendices to the journal, or as part of the university's publications series.
Article (17): The following procedures shall be followed when publishing research in the journal: 
1.    Correspondence shall be via e-mail in terms of receiving and reviewing research papers. All correspondence is directed to the name of the journal’s chief editor.
2.    The journal editor’s secretary shall document correspondence in a special register and notify the correspondence researcher of receiving his research.
3.    The journal editor’s secretary numbers the research manuscripts with serial numbers, and the manuscript number is approved in all correspondence related to these researches from the beginning of their receipt.
4.    The journal editor’s secretary presents the correspondence and research to the chief editor, and then the chief editor presents the research which he receives to the editorial board, and if  it met the initial acceptance he sends it to at least two arbitrators who have experience and specialization in the subject of the research, to judge their originality, quality, the value of their results and the integrity of the way it is displayed. The editorial board issues its decision to publish the research or its response based on the evaluation results in accordance with the evaluation form prepared for this purpose.
5.     The journal's incoming research deals with the arbitrators' related reports in confidential files. For each research, the editorial board selects arbitrators with experience and competence.
6.     If the response to one of the papers sent to the journal is negative and the other is positive, the research is sent to a third arbitrator, who is called a reviewer for the arbitration award.
7.     The journal editor’s secretary displays all correspondence related to the research to the chief editor for signature.
8.    The journal editor’s secretary is responsible for arranging and preparing for the editorial board meetings on dates determined by the chief editor. He prepares minutes for each session, and a copy of the session minutes is sent to the editorial board.
9.    In case that no arbitration reports are received for any research on the specified dates, the journal editor’s secretary presents the research to the editorial board to take the necessary decisions regarding its follow-up or replacement of arbitrators.
10.    The journal editor’s secretary prepares a list of the papers that the editorial board agrees to be published with a hard copy of each research, and a copy on a CD, taking into account their compliance with the journal rules and conditions of publication, then sent for printing.
11.    The chief editor notifies the researcher with the correspondence whether the research has been accepted for publication or that it was rejected for publishing if the editorial board takes its decision.
12.    The journal's first draft of the shall be delivered to a proofreader to audit it, taking into account specifying a period of time for auditing that does not exceed two weeks.
13.    After checking, the journal is referred to the journal editor’s secretary to supervise the correction, coordination, and final output of any linguistic errors.
14.    Both the proofreader and the journal editor’s secretary review the issue to verify that there are no errors before the chief editor and the dean of scientific research and graduate studies approve it.
15.    The Dean of Scientific Research and Graduate Studies sends the issue to the printing press and publishes it electronically on the journal's website.
16.    The Deanship of Scientific Research receives printed copies of the issue to complete the distribution procedures and collect subscription or selling fees.
17.    When publishing the research in the journal, it must indicate clearly the place, date of receipt of the research and the date of the decision to accept it for publication in the journal, and the researcher's e-mail to whom the correspondence went.
18.    The researcher shall be provided with a copy of the journal issue.
19.    The chief editor is attributed to a fine for the researcher who withdraws his research after being subject to arbitration with the sums paid to the arbitrators and the postage fees, as well as the researcher who does not respond to the required adjustments within the specified period by the editorial board, and the president may address the relevant authorities to collect those amounts deposited in the journal's account.
Article (18): A. The chief editor, after the approval of the commission, determines the value of the annual subscription to the journal and the price of one issue or one volume thereof, and he may also decide to reduce the value of the subscriptions or prices for faculty members, full-time lecturers, students, and workers at the university.
B. The chief editor determines the number of copies to be allocated for gifting, provided that it does not exceed one hundred copies of each issue.
C. Copies in excess of subscriptions, sales, and gifts shall be deposited in the university’s warehouses and a special record shall be kept in them. It is not permissible to dispose of them as gifts or sales except with the approval of the chief editor, provided that full complete sets of each journal issues are always taken into account that complete sets of issues of each journal are kept.
Article (19): The authority issues the conditions for publication and the method of authentication.
Article (20): The Council of Deans decides in cases where there is no text in these instructions.
Article (21): The President of the University, the Editorial Board, and the administrators working in the Deanship of Scientific Research and Graduate Studies are responsible for implementing the provided instructions

Contact Us

Amman Arab University   Research Journal  

Deanship of Scientific Research and Graduate Studies 

Amman Arab University 

P.O. Box 2234 

Amman 11953 - Jordan 

Tel: 0096264791400 ext. 402/228 

  Fax : 0096264791414  

Secretary of the Journal: Doaa Al-Zoubi / Ext. 402 

Mailing Address: aau-journal@aau.edu.jo