fbpxCurriculum and Teaching Methods Program | Amman Arab University
كلية العلوم التربوية والنفسية

Curriculum and Teaching Methods Program

Head of Department Message

The program was established in 1999 it works on graduating students in the field of curriculum and teaching methods, students will possess the necessary skills in planning curriculum, that help them to build international standards for it. The program also works to introduce students to modern methods of teaching, and how to employ them in schools, and provide them with modern teaching methods, and the use of technology and e-learning in this field, and provide them also with necessary skills help them to develop curricula and textbooks using scientific methods. The program also provides students with creative thinking skills, communication, dialogue, discussion skills. research skills. The program grants a master's degree in curriculum and teaching methods, which includes two paths, (Thesis path) & (Comprehensive path). The student may write his thesis in any domain of curriculum and teaching methods.​

Dr. Nusaiba Alsuwa
Acting Head of Department of Administration, Curricula and Teaching Methods.

About the Program

About of Master of Curriculum and Instruction

The program was established in 1999. it works on graduating students in the field of curricula, and teaching methods. students will possess the necessary skills in planning curriculum, that help them to build international standards. The program also works to introduce students to modern methods of teaching, and how to employ them in schools. In addition, it provides them with modern teaching methods, and the use of technology and e-learning in this field. Moreover, it provides them with necessary skills help them to develop curricula and textbooks using scientific methods.

The program also provides students with creative thinking skills, communication, dialogue, discussion skills, and research skills. The program grants a master's degree in curriculum and teaching methods, which includes two paths, (Thesis path) & (Comprehensive path). The student may write his thesis in any domain of curricula and teaching methods.


Vision and Mission of the Department


Entrepreneurship and excellence in the quality of teaching and learning, scientific research, and community service locally and internationally.


Preparing qualified, advanced, and capable human cadres cognitively, professionally, and ethically in the field of management, educational leadership, curricula and teaching methods, and educational sciences, to meet community needs efficiently and effectively.



Mission, Objectives, and Educational Outcomes of Curriculum, and Teaching Methods Major - Master’s Program

Program Mission:  

Preparing qualified and distinguished graduates to meet local and regional community needs, by qualified cadre capable to cope with local and international criteria of e. learning inclusion.

Educational Program Objectives:

  1. Providing learners with the knowledge, skill, and emotional bases in the fields of curricula and teaching methods.  
  2. Preparing educational competencies successfully in scientific research in the fields of curricula and teaching methods.
  3. Activating scientific research and training courses in the fields of curricula and teaching methods
  4. Providing technical assistance and consultations to various educational institutions.
  5. Integrating technology into education.

Educational Program Outcomes:
To prepare graduates capable to:

  1. Demonstrate knowledge, trends, and skills related to curricula and teaching methods.
  2. Clarify teaching skills and competencies needed in teaching.
  3. Conduct studies and research by integrating modern teaching into teaching.  
  4. Evaluate educational services in the field of curricula and teaching methods.
  5. Analyze the curriculum of educational systems.
  6. Designing books and guides.


Mapping of Program Educational Objectives (PEO's) with Students Outcomes (SO's)

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs):

  1. Providing learners with knowledge, skill and sentimental bases in the areas of Curriculum & Methods of Teaching.
  2. Preparing educational competencies capable of successfully conducting scientific research in the areas of Curriculum & Methods of Teaching.
  3. Activate scientific research and training courses in the areas Curriculum & Methods of Teaching.
  4. Providing technical assistance and consultations to various educational institutions.
  5. Integrating technology into education.

Students Outcomes (SOs)

  1. Demonstrate knowledge, trends and skills related to curricula and teaching methods.
  2. Clarify the skills and competencies needed in teaching.
  3. Conducting research and studies by integrating modern technology into teaching.
  4. Evaluation of educational services in the field of curricula and teaching methods.
  5. Curriculum analysis of educational systems.
  6. Book design and guides.

Mapping between PEOs and SOs



Academic Staff
Dr. Nusaiba Alsuwa
Acting Head of Department
Academic Rank
Associate Professor
Research Links
Dr. Khalil Fayyoumi
College Member
Academic Rank
Associate Professor
Research Links
Dr. Mutaib Alotaibi
Collage Member
Academic Rank
Associate Professor
Research Links
Programs & Study Plans


MajorCredit HoursStudy Plan
Master Curriculum and Teaching Methods 33  plan - thesis
​Plan​ - comprehensive


Scientific Output of Faculty Members for 2011
NumberList of Research PapersAbstract

Abu-Lawi A. (2011) . The Impact of lecture Methodology an Students' Attitudes towards the Course of Islamic culture and strategy of teaching in Amman Arab University . , Journal of the Association of Arab Universities NO.​


Abu Sneineh, O. (2011). Educational Values of the social and national studies teachers in the basic classes at UNRWA Schools in Jordan Vol.1. No.112 page(47-87) .


Abu Sneineh, O. (2011).Rights and Duties of Citizenship from the Perspective of Teachers of Social Studies at UNRWA Schools in Jordan /Al-aqsa Journal (Human Sciences series) Vol.15. No. 2.page 1-23.


Abu Sneineh, O. (2011).Beliefs of Students of The Faculty of Educational Sciences and Arts (UNRWA) About Their Practices in Teaching Social and National Studies in Their Lower Elementary Stage/ The Journal of Arab Universities Union. Vol.1. No. 58.


Jafar, F.. (2011). The Relationship between Bilingualism, Kindergarten Years and English Literacy Growth of First Graders. Jordan Journal of Educational Sciences, Volume 7.



Scientific Output of Faculty Members for 2012
NumberList of Research PapersAbstract

الجادري، عدنان والهاشمي عبد الرحمن والغزاوي، فائزة (2012). مستوى الذكاءات المتعددة لدى طلبة مدارس اليوبيل في الأردن وعلاقته ببعض المتغيرات ،مؤتمر التوجهات الحديثة في التربية الخاصة للفترة من 12 - 13 / 2012 المنعقد في جامعة عمان العربية ، عمان ، الأردن.​


Abu-Lawi, A. . (2012) . Strategies and Modern Teaching Methods in the Development of Positive Thinking among Students ( A paper read at Contemporary Trends in Education Conference and Its Applications , Tafila University.


ALjadiry, A. & Raed A. (2012) . The Effect of Using Cooperative Learning and Multiple Intelligence Theory on Physical Concepts Acquis ion , British Journal of Arts and Social Sciences , Vol.10,Issue, 2


Abu Sneineh, O. (2012). The Degree of Encouraging Pupils of Lower Elementary Stage at UNRWA Schools in Jordan From Their perspectives. Hebron University Journal for Researches Vol.7. No. 2 page 57-78


Abu Sneineh, O. (2012).Degree of Applying Aspects of Trickett & Moss's Theory of Class Management From The Perspectives of Social Studies Teachers and Schools Head Teachers at The Upper Elementary Stage Schools at UNRWA in Jordan Islamic University Journal for psychological and educational studies. Vol.20. No.1 page 437-481


Abu Sneineh, O. (2012).The Degree of Implementing Current Events Skills in Teaching The Upper Elementary Stage Amongst History Teachers in The Private Education Directorate in Amman/ Journal of An-Najah National University for researches and (Human Sciences) Vol.26. No. 2


Jafar, F.. (2012). Attitudes and Motives of Jordanian University Students toward Learning English. Jordan Journal of Educational Sciences, Vol. 8.


Scientific Output of Faculty Members for 2013
NumberList of Research PapersAbstract

Abu-Lawi, A. . (2013) . Smart Educational School Learning Environment Attractive , A paper read at the Conference of Educational Innovations and Future Challenges , ESF / Zarqa University..​


Abu-Lawi, A. . (2013) .The Reality of Communal Violence between Education and Administrative Retaliaion from an Islamic perspective , ( A paper read at Education Conference on societal challenges , Tafila University.


Abu Sneineh, O. (2013).The Efficacy of Training Program Based on The Environmental Education in Developing The Environment Literacy and Positive Attitudes Towards The Environment for Faulty of Education, Sciences and Arts (FESA)Students ,UNRWA ,Jordan/Al-Balqa for studies and researches . Vol.16. No. 22.


Abu Sneineh, O. (2013). Skills of Social Studies Teachers in The Applying Short Stories and Literary Works in Their Teaching of History in The Upper Basic Stage/ Educational Sciences Studies Vol.40. No. 1


Abu Sneineh, O. (2013). Needs of Social Studies Teachers for Skills of Using Primary Sources in Teaching History in Upper Elementary Stage at UNRWA Schools in Jordan /Islamic University Journal for psychological and educational studies Vol.1. No.1 page 73-123


Abu Sneineh, O. (2013). The Degree of Employing Science and Geography Teachers The principles of Social Constructivism Theory in Teaching The Basic Stage in UNRWA Schools in Jordan/ Journal of An-Najah National University for researches and (Human Sciences) Vol.27. No. 12.



Scientific Output of Faculty Members for 2014
NumberList of Research PapersAbstract

الجادري،عدنان وسلامة، نجاح (2014) .درجة أداء العاملين في دور المسنين في الأردن لمهارات الرعاية الصحية الأدائية وعلاقتها ببعض المتغيرات ،مجلة اتحاد الجامعات العربية دمشق.​


Abu-Lawi, A . (2014) . The System of Political Values of Ethics from the Perspective of Islam ,the Conference of the elements of the social ladder Islamic read in the light of contemporary realities , the Faculty of Islamic Sciences - Salahuddin / University of Irbil , Iraqi Kurdistan.


Abu Sneineh, O. (2014). The Compliance Degree of Social Studies Teachers of the Upper Basic Stage with the National Criteria of Teachers' Professional Development from the Perspectives of their Principals in UNRWA Schools in Jordan/ Journal of An-Najah National University for researches and (Human Sciences) Vol.28. No. 4


Abu Sneineh, O. (2014).The Degree to Which The Upper Basic Stage Social Studies School Teachers Employ Local History in The Teaching from The Point of View of The Teachers Themselves and The Educational Supervisors in Irbid. The Journal of Hebron University for research.Vol.9. No. 2.


Abu Sneineh, O. (2014).Characteristics of The Classroom Questions that Used by Social and National Education Teachers at UNRWA Schools form Their Point of View/ educational sciences studies Vol.41. No. 1.


Abu Sneineh, O. (2014). The Role of Youth in Comprehensive Development of Society from Students Perspectives in Jordan /Al-Quds Open University for research and studies.Vol.2. No.34


Jafar, F. (2014). The Impact of a Constructed Instructional Program Based on Communicative Approach on the Eight Grade Students Attitudes Toward Speaking English. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Vol. 4, No. 8. Pp.286-295.



Scientific Output of Faculty Members for 2015
NumberList of Research PapersAbstract

Jafar, F.. (2015). Merging cultural diversity issues in EFL classes, International Conference on Contemporary Issues in Education, 17 - 1 9 may 2015 / Dubai - United Arab Emirates.



Scientific Output of Faculty Members for 2016
Scientific Output of Faculty Members for 2017
Number Abstract

Al-jadiri , Adnan H. ,Kadhem ,Wasan J , Hantouleh, Ayman B (2017 ) . THE EFFECT OF TEACHING OPTICKS PHYSICS BASED ON DIRECTED INQUIRY SRATEGY ON THE NINTH GRADE STUDENTS ACHIEVMENT AND THEIR ATTITUDES TOWARD THE SUBJECT . Journal of Education and Practice,.8(!9), London: The International Institute of Science, Technology and Education .​


الجادري , عدنان حسين ( 2017 ) . مقترح نظام بديل لتقييم علامات الطلبة في جامعة عمان العربية . المؤتمر الدولي الأول في تطوير البحث العلمي ( مؤتمر محكم ) , عمادة البحث البحث العلمي والدراسات العليا ؛ جامعة عمان العربية , عمان , الأردن , ص ( 379 - 392 ) .


Jafar, F. & Abu Hait, S. (2018), The Functions of Code witching Used by Secondary Students in English Classes,، مجلة جامعة الأقصى مقبول للنشر في الأعداد القادمة


Jafar, F. (2018) Teaching Grammar to Promote Critical Thinking in EFL Classrooms, Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Sent for publishing.


Jafar, F, & Al- Ajili, S. (2018), Cultural Diversity Values Embedded in Children’s Literature, 36th International Academic Conference, London, UK, 22 May 2018 to 25 May 2018 in London, United Kingdom./p>



Scientific Output of Faculty Members for 2018
Scientific Output of Faculty Members for 2019