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Dr. Murad Shkeib Publishes New Book on Magic

الدكتور مراد شكيب من "عمان العربية" يصدر كتابه الجديد


Dr. Murad Shkeib Publishes New Book on Magic

Dr. Murad Shkeib, head of the Sharia Department at Amman Arab University, has published a new book titled موقف السلف الطاهر من السحر والساحر. The book analyzes verse 102 of Surah Al-Baqarah and discusses the incident of the Prophet Muhammad's magic. It addresses ongoing debates about the reality of magic.

Dr. Shkeib aims to provide a scientifically grounded study using Quranic evidence. The book explores the effects and treatments of magic. He holds a PhD in Hadith and has published several research papers. Dr. Shkeib also lectures for the Jordanian Ministry of Awqaf.