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كلية تكنولوحيا المعلومات

Dean Message

The fields of Information Technology are growing at a magnificent rate in today's world and cyberspace has become crucial to modern life. Fortunately, the field has presented many new opportunities as well as challenges which need to be met through careful study, e xamination, experimentation, innovation, and extensive research. Amman Arab University has paid special attention to this field as it has led to the development of positive relations with other communities and worlds in the East and the West.

The AAU has always invested in its students and their abilities to help this program excel and become widely recognized. It has set a strategic plan to ensure that the learning outcomes of our program fit the job market and that our graduates play an active role in the revitalization of the current economy.

The college has achieved so much over the years but one of its major achievements was introducing new majors in 2014/2015 such as Software engineering and mobile computing which is the only one of its kind in the region. The college also plans to introduce another field we believe the local and global market are in need of especially those within The Middle East given its interdisciplinary nature which is Service Science, Management, and Engineering (SSME). 

This brand- new program will be of great service to our graduates, the community, and nation at large. The college will then house four departments with three undergraduate programs and one graduate program with two tracks: the thesis track and the comprehensive exam track.

It is worth mentioning that we have followed all the procedures to meet quality assurance standards dictated and applied by Jordanian Institutions of Higher education all of which coincide with International quality standards.

Dr. Rami Sihwail
Acting Dean of Information Technology College